We harvested some broccoli and 2 radishes :)
My friend Fred, from Grown Away, weighs his harvest so he can know his yield for the season. I think that's a great idea, and so I weighed what we picked:
Broccoli: 7.6 oz
Radish: 0.9 oz
Total: 8.5 oz
I'll plan to keep a running tally of our 2012 growing season as well!
The radishes are a variety called watermelon radishes - check out how pretty they are:
The broccoli was sauteed with some garlic and was promptly consumed!
On the horizon, more broccoli, beets and yes, some of the tomatoes are coming in!
This week also marked my first week's pick up for the CSA from Newton Community Farm. I had an excellent haul, with rhubarb, spinach, arugula, cilantro, oregano, rainbow chard, Asian greens, garlic scapes and radishes.
Yesterday for dinner, I made a grilled (pastured) pork tenderloin from Stillman's Farm, which was rubbed with fresh rosemary, thyme and garlic, and served it with the Asian greens from NCF, sauteed w.garlic, to make a great, local dinner.
To top the week off, I got notice yesterday that my Stillman's CSA starts next week - the earliest I can remember it starting :) Off to a great CSA/garden season!!
RKC update
My training is going well. I've been gunning away and making good progress. My RKC weekend is now just shy of 4 months away, Sept 28-30, 2012.
Here's where I'm at:
I'm consistently swinging the 32kg and lighter.
For one arm swings, my 24kg are improving, and I'm consistently swinging 20kg/16kg.
For snatches, the 16kg continues to be challenging, but is definitely improving. The 12kg feels great for the snatch, and I hope to test with it. I'm keeping a careful and close watch on my weight: women under 123.5 lbs can snatch the 12kg for the snatch test, which is 100 snatches in 5 minutes. As I train however, I'll train as if I'm going to test with the 16kg, as a safety precaution.
I can now press the 16kg, both sides. My PR is 3R/3L.
The heaviest clean I've done is 20kg.
Working on Get-ups with the 16kg; my 12kg TGUs feel good.
The heaviest I've gone for a Goblet squat is 24kg; (this is the only exercise I'm not too worried about, as I can squat from here until next Tuesday....read: baby got back)....
I've started to try to incorporate bar calesthenics -I'm going for that pull-up. I'm able to do a chin-up and actually got 2, consecutive, unassisted recently. I've been working on my flew-arm hangs w.chin-up grip. I've not been able to do a flex-arm hang with a pull-up grip (over hand), but I've been doing a lot of dead hangs and holding a leg raise w.over hand grip. Grease the groove!!!
So that's it. I'm doing well and trying to keep a positive outlook. Sometimes I get discouraged (where snatching is concerned). The 16kg feels so heavy to me to snatch, and I often wonder if I'll get it down in the next 4 months. I need to OWN it. I'm hoping consistency in my training will prove successful :)
Until next time, eat clean and train hard!!
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