Wednesday, May 28, 2008

It's CSA Season!

June marks the beginning of my CSA season - CSA stand for Community Supported Agriculture. It is a way for farms to reduce the cost of running their farms by passing the buck to the general public. In return, you get a portion of whatever is in season.

For instance, from June-November, each week, I pick up my share of Stillman's farm. It starts light, some lettuces, arugula, flowers etc, and steadily grows each week as more produce comes into season. By the end of the summer I have so many zukes, cukes, corn, tomatoes etc that I don't know what to do with it all!!!
This year, I also joined the meat portion of the CSA, from The Turkey Farm, at Stillman's. Since January, once each month, I have picked up my share of meat: lamb, pork, chicken, beef. It has been exceptional, really.

I'll begin to post regularly about what I'm getting from the farm, and what I do with it all.....Stay tuned!

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