I was jumping up on the wall to play w.my kids when my eye spotted the first morel, simply sticking up out of the mulch, away from any plants, right on the edge of the stone wall and the landscaped area.
I sucked my breath in with shock and shrieked That's a morel!!!!!! My son spied it at the same time and shouted Woah, what's that?!?! So, I picked it, freaked out and did a little dance!!!
I found a couple more not too far from that first one.
We searched around the area and ended up finding a bunch more. Most were found in the daffodil plants, sticking up straight like statues.
I was beside myself. We ended up finding in between 0.25 and 0.5 lbs....not bad for a random chance.
Here's the lot of them:
Prior to cooking the morels, I split them in half and soaked them in salted water.
I went back to look for more morels but I was unsuccessful at finding any more. I'm hoping next season that I'll find more :)